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Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: an overview

Mamad Mohamed


The aim of this article is to provide an overview of industry 4.0. Our goal is to give a perspective of what Industry iv.0 is, its challenges in today's context, and present how we have to pattern and implement future business organizations. Numerous researchers accept mentioned that implementing industry four.0 is a response to the current challenges in fast changing environments. Indeed, in social club to amend flexibility, reduce costs and offer customized products, companies must redesign their product processes accordingly. After an introduction to the new context miracle of "Industry 4.0", nosotros provide a comprehensive definition of this new concept and explain the research methodology. Then we present several points of view virtually challenges and issues of Industry 4.0, and most benefits of this new industrial paradigm are likewise described. Finally, we end this paper by cartoon conclusions and suggesting future research.

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International Journal of Supply and Operations Management


August 2018, Volume five, Event iii, pp. 256-265

ISSN-Print: 2383-1359

ISSN-Online: 2383-2525

Challenges and Benefits of Manufacture iv.0: An overview

Mamad Mohamed* , a

a Department of Logistics and Transportation, Superior School of Technology, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Kingdom of morocco


The aim of this commodity is to provide an overview of manufacture 4.0. Our goal is to requite a perspective of what Industry iv.0

is, its challenges in today's context, and present how we have to design and implement future business organizations.

Numerous researchers have mentioned that implementing industry 4.0 is a response to the current challenges in fast

changing environments. Indeed, in social club to improve flexibility, reduce costs and offer customized products, companies

must redesign their production processes accordingly. After an introduction to the new context phenomenon of

"Industry 4.0", we provide a comprehensive definition of this new concept and explain the research methodology. Then

nosotros present several points of view nigh challenges and issues of Industry 4.0, and about benefits of this new industrial

paradigm are also described. Finally, we end this paper past drawing conclusions and suggesting future research.

Keywords: Manufacture iv.0; Benefits; Implementation; Challenges.

1. Introduction

Since the 1800s when new manufacturing processes take transformed the industrial landscape, the industrialization

technological changes have driven epitome shifts that are called "industrial (re)evolutions" (Lasi et al., 2014).

Currently, industry represents the part of the economy that carries out the production of materials and goods, which are

highly mechanized and automatized. Nowadays, the industrial product has reached the edge of a new industrial

revolution and the factory of the future has been pictured.

The modern manufacturing systems must be flexible/agile, reactive, integrated and price-effective simultaneously to

enable industrial companies to stay competitive in anorthward international competition. To develop and run such complex

systems, manufacturing enterprises need to design and engineer their production processes appropriately and in a

systematic fashion following structured approaches based on audio principles and supported past efficient tools and methods

(Schelechtendal et al., 2015).

Recently, the Manufacture iv.0 concept (equally the fourth industrial revolution) has become an increasingly of import issue, being

discussed and researched by academics, consultants and companies. However, despite the increasing interest in the

Industry 4.0 topic, it is still a non-consensual concept. At that place are nonetheless some vague ideas about this new manufacturing

paradigm, regarding its implications and consequences. Also, most companies and factories are not aware of the

challenges they may face when they want to implement the Industry iv.0 background. Nevertheless, information technology has been causeless

that there is still a misunderstanding in Industry 4.0 about this topic, particularly about what involves Industry 4.0 and its

pregnant and visiodue north. This new product system allows companies to take actions to prepare for this change, defining

the most suitable manufacturing kodel and planning the target roadmaps in gild to address the new industrial

image'southward challenges (MacDougall, 2014).

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Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.5, No.iii

Previous studies were conducted to discuss most features of the mutations of globalized market as market need for

private and specialized products, shorter life-cycles; need of high flexibility and adjustability of product. To notice a

solution for that in order to be competitive, the industrial work product systems require a new manufacturing process.

Automated mass production might become less economically viable.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Manufacture 4.0 concept, with the aim of

investigating the challenges, issues, components, benefits, progress and relevance of Industry 4.0 implementation. Afterwards

this introduction about the new context phenomenon of "Industry 4.0", nosotros nowadays a comprehensive definitio north of this

new concept and explain the enquiry methodology. Then we nowadays several points of view about challenges and issues

of Industry iv.0, and most benefits of this new industrial paradigm are besides described. Finally, nosotros terminate this paper past

drawing a determination and suggesting future inquiry.

ii. Research method

A systematic review of the literature was conducted to exploreastward the meaning, challenges, and benefits of Industry 4.0.

The research described in this paper has largely been carried out via mobilizing various types of literature review

considering the following electronic databases: Elsevier (Science Directly), Scopus, Emerald Insight and Springer, over

the 2011-2018 timeframe period, including scientific papers, journals, manufactures, magazines, newspapers, authorities

reports, EU reports, business reports from companies, and consultants' reports. Throughout thursdaye development of this

newspaper, the main purpose is to understand the scope of Industry 4.0 definitions, benefits and challenges.

This methodology enabled u.s.a. to achieve an overall understanding of the field and current developments and practices

described in multiple studies. The kickoff footstep of the literature review process was the scoping and planning of search terms,

in which the keywords "challenges" "opportunities" and "benefits" were searched in combination with the keywords

"industry iv.0*", "manufacturing", and "production" in the scientific databases recognized by high quality research

hosting. Based on this process, a subset of 45 manufactures was selected, composing the corpus of papers to be read in full and

analysed. The aim is to provide an overview every bit shown in various tables below.

three. Industry four.0: a glimpse

Our current business environs is radically changing, and the increasingly demanding and rapidly changing customer

needs are the underlying reason that has driven industrial revolutions at dissimilar periods. Thursdayese revolutions have brought

to the globe drastic changes in diverse areas, posed huge challenges for industries and manufacturers, led to massive

innovations and transformations, and remarkably afflicted people's fashion of life (Huang, 2017).

Currently, the need for flexibility and real fourth dimension response to the changes in the market place is condign an essential event

(Schlötzer, 2015). Thus, many companies have adapted their manufacturing process in guild to focus on individualised

products in a proper time. As we can observe it, the digitalization and virtualization procedure ensures and procures several

opportunities for manufacturers to create newest values and drive innovation to attain more than competitive success in their

business. Present, all companies must incorporate innovation in their manufacturing process and in guild to sustain

in the context of globalization and guarantee more perfection production systems which are characterised by flexibility,

adaptability, agility, proactivity and so on. The manufacturing automation (chosen Manufacture four.0 or smart factory) is the

ultimate path to this. Therefore, the smart factory plays the principal role of optimising the movement of goods past providing

the necessary information for the proper operator in the proper moment (Schlötzer, 2015).

The core of this Industry 4.0 is Cyberspace of things which allows connection of machines, products, systems and people.

In short, the term Manufacture 4.0 appeared published for the get-go time in November 2011 past the Gerhuman being government that

resulted from an initiative regarding loftier-tech strategy for 2020 and since and so this concept is used across Europe. In the

The states and more than mostly the English speaking world, terms such equally "The Net of Things" or the "Internet of

Everything" are also used (Deloitte, 2014). It tin be defined as the embedding of smart products into digital and physical

processes. Digital and physical processes interact with each other and due westith cross-geographical and organizational

boundaries (Schmidt et al., 2015). In society to sympathize Manufacture 4.0 accurately, some recent definitions are presented

including an overview as shown in Table1.

According to Surah et al. (2018), Industry four.0 as the 4th industrial revolution is characterised by a combination of

new technical components and main principles to pattern and form this concept, in order to become a horizontal and vertical

integration or value networks (Schmidt et al., 2015).

Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.5, No.3

Table1. Industry 4.0 definitions

"The term Industry 4.0 stands for the 4th industrial revolution and is best understood as a

new level of organization and command over the entire value chain of the life cycle of products,

information technology is geared towards increasingly individualized client requirements".

"Industry 4.0 or Smart industry refers to the technological development from embedded systems

to cyber-physical systems. It connects embedded system product technologies and smart

product processes to pave the due westay to a new technological historic period which volition radically

transform industry and product value bondage and business organization models".

"Industry 4.0 seen as a digitization of the manufacturing sector, with embedded sensors in

virtually all product components and manufacturing equipment, ubiquitous cyber physical

systems, and analysis of all relevant data".

"The term Manufacture iv.0 refers to a further development stage in the system and

management of the entire value concatenation process involved in manufacturing industry"

"Industry 4.0 - the fourth industrial revolution, focuses on the finish-to-end digitization of all

concrete assets and integration into digital ecosystems with value chain partners".

"Industry 4.0 is thdue east sum of all disruptive innovations derived and implemented in a value

chain to address the trends of digitalization, automization, transparency, mobility,

modularization, network collaboration and socializing of products and processes".

"Industrie 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts of value concatenation organization.

Within the modular structured Smart Factories of Industrie four.0, CPS monitor concrete

processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over

the IoT, CPS communicate and cooperate with each other and humans in real time. Via the

IoS, both internal and cross organizational services are offered and utilized by participants of

the value chain".

*Adjusted from (Huang, 2017)

The main components that form the concept of Industry 4.0 are:

ane- Identification (RFID systems): The first step is the identification of the processing good.

two- Locating (RTLS): Identification used to be associated with locating or recording the place of identification; in

order to locate it, real fourth dimension locating systems (RTLS) are used.

3- Sensing or Cyber-physical system (CPS): It is the term that describes the unification of digital (cyber) with real

(physical) workflows. In manufacturing, this means that the concrete product steps are accompanied by computed-

based processes, using the concept ubiquitous computing. A CPS includes sensors and actuators past which it can

collect and send data. Sensing provides the function of the correct condition for the logistics arrangement.

four- Networking or Net of things (IoT): With IoT, enterprises can supervise their every product in real time and

manage their logistics architecture. IoT is part of the CPS that enables the communication with other CPS and

between the CPS and users.

5- Information collection and assay (Big Data and Data Mining): Logistics iv.0 implies a huge increment of variety, volume

and velocity of data creation. The types and amount of collected data have increased considering of the advances in

sensor technology and the products containing computed capacities.

6- Business organization Service or Internet of services (IoS): This enables service vendors to offer their services via Cyberspace. It

consists of participants, infrastructure for services, business models and the services themselves.

The primary implementation principles equally reviewed in several researches (L. Domingo, 2016; Obitko and Jirkovsky, 2015)

and recognised by The German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

(2013) are:

one- Interoperability, where standardization and semantic descriptions are important, since it means that companies,

humans and CPS are connected by IoT and IoS.

2- Virtualization, over the CPS, the physical world can be linked to the virtual. In other words, the information from sensors

are linked to virtual and simulation models. Thus, a virtual copy of the physical world is created and enables the CPS

to monitor physical processes.

three- Real fourth dimension capability, a continuous information analysis is needed to react to any changes in the environment in real time,

such every bit routing or handling failures.

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.v, No.three

iv- Decentralization, that means giving autonomy, resources and responsibleness to lower levels of the organizational

hierarchy. Individual agents take to make decisions on their own and delegate the decisions to higher levels in the

event of failures or complex situations.

5- Service orientation. Service-orientated architecture (SOA), an architectural pattern in calculator software blueprint in

which applicationorth components provide services to other components via a communication protocol, typically over

network, allows encapsulation of various services to combine them and to facilitate their utilization.

6- Security of information and its privacy shall be eastmphasized in the data commutation using ICT technologies.

In short, industry 4.0, as the 4th industrial revolution, has a mission to emphasize the end-to-end digitization of all

concrete assets and integration into digital ecosystems with value chain partners; it refers to an actress evolution pace

in the organization and management of the entire value concatenation procedure involved in the manufacturing industry. This new

concept means a combination of technologies and concepts of value concatenation organization. Inside the modular structured

Smart Factories of Industry 4.0, the CPS monitors concrete processes, creates a virtual copy of the physical world and

makes decentralized decisions. Over the IoT, the CPSs communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in

existent time. Via the IoS, both internal and cantankerous organizational services are offered and utilized by participants of the value

chain for increasingly individualized client requirements and products (Koch et al., 2014).

iv. Challenges and Issues of implementing industry 4.0

According to Pereira et al. (2017), the quest of applying Industry 4.0 brings diverse technological challenges, with high

influences on many dimensions in today's manufacturing industry. Thus, it is essential to develop a strategy for all the

actors involved in the entire value chain, to attain a consensus on security problems and the relevant architecture before

implementation begins (Wan, and Zhou, 2016). Moreover, numerous authors state that implementing Industry 4.0 is a

hard mission and it is probable to have ten or more years to be realized. Adopting this new manufacturing process involves

many aspects, and faces many types of difficulties and challenges, including scientific, technological, and economic

challenges, social problems besides every bit political issues.

The most challenging aspects for the organizations that wish to adopt this new approach are touch on skills and qualifications

of their workers concerning eastward.g. trouble-solving skills, failure analysis, the ability to bargain with constant changes and

completely new tasks. Indeed, they should be able to trial with specific Industry four.0 technologies with new complexity

tasks: the collectionorthward, processing and half dozensualization of manufacturing procedure information (Hendrik Unger et al., 2017). Equally we

know at this moment there areast few studies in the field of technology and management pedagogy and needs of students

and of the industrial workforce are changing (Barbara Motyl et al., 2017). Manufacture 4.0 will atomic number 82 to potential deep changes

in several practicemains that get beyond the industrial sector and allow the creation of new business concern models (Carvalho et al.,


Other challenges and issues of firms are related to innovation, technological components, digital transformation

advancements and the ascent interconnectivity developments westwardhich play an of import role in every organization. As

mentioned above, Manufacture 4.0 which consists of providing a new mode of manufacturing is closely associated with the

end-to -terminate digitization of all physical assets and with the integration into digital ecosystems of all value concatenation partners.

Though, accordinone thousand to a McKinsey and company study (2015), the majority of companies, especially the small and

medium-sized enterprises in the industry, seem rather unwilling to start the digital transformation process and the

hesitation has to practise due westith a number of implementation barriers faced by manufacturers with no/limited progress in

Industry 4.0 (D, Kü sters et al., 2017). Iyer (2018) indicates that manufacturing is now bringing almost both opportunities

and challenges, so neither business organization leaders nor policy makers tin can rely on one-time responses in the new manufacturing

environment. Thus, a serious challenge of manufacturers will be to address decision-making based on a number of

factors: wages, inventory, requirements, logistics etc. to name a few. The issue could very well be a new kind of global

manufacturing companya networked enterprise that uses "large data" and analytics to answer quickly and decisively to

changing conditions and can also pursue long-term opportunities. "Fifty-fifty though we take all the enablers to make Industry

iv.0 feasible such as connectivity applied science, affordable IoT hardware, standardized communication protocol, collecting

meaningful data and analyzing for implications are yet the biggest challenges to driving the impact from Manufacture 4.0."

(McKinsey and company, 2015; p. 45). In short, Table 2 provides an overview of the main challenges and issues of

implementing Industry 4.0.

Challenges and Benefits of Industry iv.0: An overview

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.v, No.3

Tabular array 2. Challenges and Bug of implementing industry 4.0

Industry 4.0: challenges and issues

Dennis Kü sters

et al. (2017)

Uncertainties virtually fiscal benefits due to a lack of demonstrated business cases justifying


No strategy to coordinate actions across dissimilar organizational units

Missing talent and capabilities, e.g. data scientists

A lack of courage to button through radical transformation

Cybersecurity concerns with third-party providers

Samuel Nilsen

and Eric Nyberg


Horizontal integration through value networks

Vertical integration

Life cycle direction and end-to-end engineering

The homo existence every bit a conductor for added value

T. Stock and G.

Seliger ( 2016 )

The manufacturing equipment will exist characterized past the application of highly automated car

tools and robots. The equipment volition exist able to flexibly adapt to changes in the other value creation

factors, e.g. the robots volition be working together collaboratively with the workers on joint tasks.

The electric current jobs in manufacturing are facing a high run a risk for being automated to a big extent. The

numbers of workers will thus decrease. The remaining manufacturing jobs will contain more than

noesis work every bit well as more curt-term and hard-to-plan tasks. The workers increasingly have to

monitor the automatic equipment, are beingness integrated in decentralized controlling, and are

participating in engineering science activities every bit part of the finish-to-end engineering.

The increasing organizational complexity in the manufacturing organisation cannot be managed past a

central example from a certain point on. Decision making volition thus be shifted away from a centra l

instance towards decentralized instances. The decentralized instances will autonomously consider

local information for the decision making. The decision itself will exist taken by the workers or by the

equipment using methods from the field of artificial intelligence.

Additive manufacturing technologies also known as 3D press will be increasingly deployed in

value cosmos processes, since the costs of additive manufacturing have been apace dropping during

the last years by simultaneously increasing in terms of speed and precision. This allows designing

more complex, stronger, and more lightweight geometries as well as the application of condiment

manufacturing to higher quantities and larger scales of the product.

Intelligent Determination-Making and Negotiation Mechanism: In smart manufacturing systalk needs more

autonomy and sociality capabilities every bit key factors of self-organized systems whereas the today's

arrangement have 3C Capabilities i.e. lack of autonomy in the systems .

High Speed IWN Protocols: The IWN network used today tin can't provide enough bandwidth for heavy

advice and transfer of high volume of information just it is superior to the weird network in

manufacturing environment.

System Modelink and Assay: In organization modeling, to reduce dynamical equations and conclude

appropriate command model, systems should be modelled equally cocky-organized manufacturing organisation. The

inquiry is still going on for circuitous system.

Modularized and Flexible Concrete Artifacts: When processing a product, Equipment for machining

or testing should be grouped and worked together for distributed determination making. And then there is a demand

of creating modularized and smart conveying unit that can dynamically reconfigure the product


Saurabh Vaidya

et al. / Procedia

Manufacturing 20

(2018) and Laura

Doming (2016)

Cyber Security: With the increased connectivity and utilize of standard communications protocols that

come with Industry 4.0, the need to protect disquisitional industrial systems and manufacturing lines and

system data from cyber security threats increases dramatically.

Manufacturing Specific Big Information and Analytics: Information technology is a challenge to ensure high quality and integrity

of the data recorded from manufacturing system. The annotations of the information entities are fiveery diverse

and it is an increasing challenge to incorporate diverse data repositories with different semantics for

advanced data analytics.

Investment Issues: Investment outcome is rather full general consequence for well-nigh of new engineering based

initiatives in manufacturing. The pregnant investment is required for implementing industry 4.0 is

an SME initially. The implementation of all the pillar of manufacture 4.0 requires huge amount of

investment for an manufacture.

Reduction of the development and innovation periods. High innovation capability is turning into an

essential success factor for many companies

Individualization sales. Over the fourth dimension, the buyers have gained the risk to define the conditions of

the merchandise. This tendency leads to an increasing individualization of products. It is chosen "batch size one"

Flexibility. Due to the characteristics of the markets is essential flexibility in the product

Decentralization. To deal with the new framework requirements, faster determination making procedures

will exist necessary. This is why organizational hierarchies need to be reduced

More sustainability. The aim is an economic and ecological efficiency in the product, due to theastward

increase of the prices for resources equally well as the social alter in ecological aspects

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.v, No.iii

In lodge to boost companies which are moving towards Industry 4.0 and to their digital transformation, several studies

(Yasanur Kayikci, 2018; Lopes Nunes et al., 2017) show opportunities and focus on benefits of the new manufacturing

process. Thus, the new market landscape and the future industrial sector including the smart process correspond several

opportunities regarding profitability and growth, enhancing the competitiveness of organizations. Furthermore, due southtarting

to invest in the smart mill means deep changes, in every aspect of organizations 5alue chain, such as production

development processes, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, afterward-sales services and security (Lopes Nunes et al., 2017).

five. Benefits of Manufacture 4.0

As mentioned earlier, the smart products integration westwardith smart production, smart logistics and smart networks and

Internet of Things result in the transformation of current value chains and the emergence of northwardew and innovative concern

models, making the smart factory the key element of future smart infrastructures. From this new infrastructure

perspective, several benefits and profits will arise (C Vila et al., 2017). In fact, virtual and augmented prototyping

provides a full agreement of product features and benefits, facilitating the interactive eastwardxploration of the all products

functionalities between every stakeholder. Industry 4.0 provides a new way of exerciseing concern and a new source of

creating value, especially for traditional manufacturing companies. … One of the biggest disruptions of Industry four.0 is

the ever-increasing value and importance of data. Companies demand to call up about data every bit a precious raw material.

Therefore, companies volition need to modify the manner they recall well-nigh and manage large amounts of data and information.

This volition be one of the biggest challenges for traditional manufacturinchiliad companies" (McKinsey and company; 2015, P

45). Employing dynamically programmable production technology in combination with increased flexibility of the

machine itself ( thousand., flexible grip hooks) has multiple benefits, among which are individualized customization, more

dynamic allocation of resources/capacity, shorter changeover times, and reduced production complexity with atomic number 26wer

constraints. This allows for faster, cheaper, easier, and more diverse product processes. Industry four.0 has many benefits

for firms in dissimilar dimensions. Tabular array iii summarizes some of the most important benefits and opportunities. As nosotros tin can

observe from the tabular array above, Industry 4.0 provides numerous benefits, for instance the reduction of labour costs, the

simplification of business organization processes and the reduction of inventory inaccuracies, as well equally more transparency in logistics

processes (Logistics toll ; Delivery time; Transport delay Changes in amount of delayed shipment; Inventory reduction

; Loss/damage ; Frequency of service ; Forecast accurateness ; Reliability ;Flexibility ;Transport volumes ; Applications and

so on). All of these are keys to increased productivity and revenue which can, hence, stimulate economic growth (Carl

Jan du Plessis, 2017).

6. Conclusion and future piece of work

The primary aim of thursdayis paper westwardequally to provide an overview of Manufacture 4.0 significant, challenges and benefits of implementing

Industry four.0. Nosotros tried to nowadays the review for the current and future features of the concept of Industry 4.0 which

exhibited that the connection of humans, objects and systems that forms dynamic, real-time optimized and self-

organizing, cross-company value creation networks impacts all the processes of the organization when the company

decides to prefer this new way of producing. For case, it requires increased data volumes and availability in real time

which needs new infrastructures. Withal, and some clear benefits tin be identified from the implementation of Industry

iv.0 as flexibility, quality standards, efficiency, and so on. Hence, this will allow companies to thoueet customers' demands,

creating values. Yet, the bulk of companies are hesitant to begin their digital transformation processes due

to serious implementation barriers that include uncertainties about financial benefits and a lack of specialist cognition.

Table three. Benefits of Manufacture iv.0




Advanced planning and controlling with relevant, real-time data

Rapid reaction to changes in demand, stock level, errors

Sustainable manufacturing/ resources efficiency (materials, energy, people)

College quality, flexible production

Increased productivity

Ad-hoc reaction to market changes

Personalization of products

New level of customer satisfaction

Increase in competitive advantage by the successful digital business concern model implementation and

technology creation

Costs and wastes reduction

Safer work conditions

New work places

Work-life balance

Increase in revenue

Innovative company's image

Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4.0: An overview

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.5, No.3

M.W. Waibel et

al. (2018)

Reduction of overproduction and waste

Reduction of energy consumption every bit free energy intensive tasks tin can be done when there is

overproduction. Use of energy recovery for the whole system.

Reduction of waste matter peculiarly in the product development phase

Reduction of transportation and travel effort

Saving of natural resource

Contribute to the ecology dimension of existing manufacturing plants

Decentralized and digitalized production, where the production elements are able to autonomously

command themselves

The products will go more modular and configurable, promoting mass customization in order

to meet specific client requirements

New innovative business models :, value chains are becoming more responsive, increasing

competitiveness through the elimination of barriers between data and physical structures

Digitization consists in convergence betwixt concrete and virtual worlds and will have a

widespread impact in every economic sector.

The main driver for innovation, which due westsick play a disquisitional role in productivity and competitiveness.

Transforming jobs and required skills : avoid what is known as technological unemployment,

redefining electric current jobs and taking measures to adjust the workforce for theast new jobs that will be


New competencies and it is necessary to create opportunities for the acquisition of the required

skills through high quality training

Hugo Karre et

al. ( 2017 )

Workers volition take a much greater share of doing circuitous and indirect tasks such every bit collaborating

with machines in their daily piece of work;

Workers will have to (1) solve unstructured problems, (2) piece of work with new information, and (3)

deport out a number of non-routine transmission tasks.

Reinforcing concrete abilities such as strength or fine motor skills and lowering the concrete work

related strain by using exoskeletons, positioning devices, robots or automation of grandonotonous

tasks ; Lowering the required short-term retentivity endeavor past visualizing detailed and on demand

data (users obtain relevant data when he/she needs it and in a form that heast/she tin can

cover it) ; Reducing the number of errors made on the shop flooring past existent-time observation

of the procedure and skill- /ability based piece of work instructions

Logistics toll : Changes in logistics toll savings in terms of transport, warehousing, inventory

carrying and assistants costs

Commitment time : Changes in delivery improvements, wheel time, lead time

Transport delay Changes in amount of delayed shipment

Inventory reduction : Changes in inventory volume

Loss/damage : Changes in amount of lost and/or damaged appurtenances from damage, theft and accidents

Frequency of service : Changes in utilization rate (load factor), frequent intervals

Forecast accurateness : Changes in demand uncertainties

Reliability : Changes in logistics quality in termsouthward of transport, inventory and warehousing e.g.

perfect order, scheduled fourth dimension deliveries

Flexibility : Changes in planning weather due east.grand. percentage of non-programmed shipments

executed without undue delay

Transport volumes : Changes in total transported freight volume

Applications : Suitable applications for digitization in logistics processes

McKinsey and



Large increase in all operational efficiencies with the use of data levering to meliorate processes

Industry 4.0 is seen as one of the major drivers for the growth of revenue levels, even every bit its

implementation will also crave significant investments by businesses.

logistics and statistics are generated and nerveless in an automated manner, so responses are faster

the growth it stimulates will atomic number 82 to a 6% increment in employment over the next ten years

Increased productivity : The automotive industry lone, productivity is expected to increases by

x 20%, once Industry 4.0 is fully implemented

the growth it stimulates will lead to a 6% increase in employment over the next ten years

Increased productivity: operational efficiencies will increase by an average of 3.iii% annually for

the following five years leading to an average annual reduction in costs of 2.6%.

Acquirement will increase faster and higher than the costs incurred to automate or digitise the

manufacturing process in terms of Industry iv.0.

with Industry 4.0 concepts and methods applied, logistics and statistics are generated and nerveless

in an automated fashion, so responses are faster

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.v, No.3


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... /10.5772/intechopen.101764 First of all, firms tin do good from advanced planning and controlling with relevant, real-fourth dimension information [ii]. Indeed, the collection and slap-up apply of data help with a greater inner and outer advice and organization, even from an international perspective: from a headquarter in Quebec City (Canada) to a manufacturer in Dhaka Urban center (Bangladesh), for instance. ...

... Those developments in Industry 4.0 have huge implications on the way the electric current business activities both at home besides as across the globe (i.e., international trade) are being conducted. Mamad [two] has addressed how Manufacture 4.0 works and has fabricated a broad analogy of the subject in particular through an exhaustive literature review. Deloitte [3] provided an overview of the beneficial application of Industry 4.0 to heighten organizational processes. ...

Industry iv.0 is the natural consequence of the techno-industrial development of the last decades. It has the huge potentiality to alter the way globalization of manufacturing and consumption of goods and services that have identify in the global markets. This chapter will focus on the evolution of Industry four.0 and how this new technological framework will create values for firms and consumers, and how we can use information technology for a house'south competitiveness and save them from the fallout of its development. An extensive literature review shows that the multi-faceted engineering will hugely impact the global value concatenation, global supply chain, and new global division of labor (NGDL). Information technology will reconfigure and re-distribute the business activities in the developing, emerging, and developed country markets and small and medium sizes firms and MNCs. The rapid evolution of technological and human being capabilities can allow firms to reap benefits from this technology. At the aforementioned time, there are many challenges related to skill shortages, technological issues, concern ideals, and values that need to exist overcome to reap a profit from this new technological advancement.

... These shared pools can rapidly configure and release networks, servers, and storage through minimal direction attempt or service provider interaction. This fashion, the data can be viewed, updated, and practical at any time or place (Mohamed 2018). Cloud manufacturing tin be very beneficial to manufacturers. ...

  • Karim Zkik Karim Zkik

With the appearance of cloud manufacturing (CM), aslope the maturity of specific development approaches and systems in the manufacturing manufacture, has led to the integration of these initiatives into Industry 4.0 to reach higher operation. In fact, the implementation of Industry 4.0 is a real opportunity for the process industry around the world which is only at the very beginning of its deployment. However, the integration of cloud manufacturing requires the fully digitalization of industrial systems and the implementation of big information direction procedure. Indeed, the lack of resources to handle the huge flows of data in transit and the lack of standards and interoperability is the biggest challenge to the large-calibration adoption of smart manufacturing. To get around this trouble, it is necessary to put in identify management and assay solutions for big information to facilitate information acquisition, process monitoring, anomaly detection and predictive and proactive maintenance. In improver, the implementation of a smart manufacturing architecture based on big data analytics (BDA) requires a lot of resources in terms of storage and computing ability, which is not ever available in an industrial context. Thus, it has get essential to offer suitable manufacturing models for the implementation of large data assay services that meet the new requirements of the manufacturing sector. In this paper, a case study in ane of the main African Phosphates Company will exist presented. Thus, we will propose a BDA-enabler architecture based on Cloud manufacturing to identified digital opportunities and cardinal benefits regarding performance direction, production control and maintenance. The findings will help manufacturer to understand cloud manufacturing and large information analytics capabilities and take advantages from their potential and their digital opportunities to assess manufacturing process.

... It is the well-nigh frequently discussed topic in our reviewed literature, in which sense information technology is clearly seen as the most feasible way to adopt DT for CE. Improving production efficiency and free energy efficiency are proven benefits of Industry 4.0 (Mohamed, 2018;Oztemel & Gursev, 2020) and a sustainable value driver. One direct bear on of improved process efficiency is less waste product in materials and free energy. ...

  • Qinglan Liu
  • Adriana Hofmann Trevisan Adriana Hofmann Trevisan
  • Miying Yang
  • Janaina Mascarenhas

Digital technology is regarded as providing a promising means of moving production and consumption towards the circular economic system. All the same, it is withal unclear which functions of digital technologies are most useful to improving circularity, and how these functions could exist used to enhance different circular economic system strategies. This newspaper aims to address this knowledge gap past conducting a systematic literature review. Later on examining 174 papers, creating 782 original codes and 259 second‐round codes, the written report identifies xiii critical functions of digital technologies which are virtually relevant to circular economic system strategies. The paper then proposes a framework which reveals seven mechanisms of how these digital functions can enhance unlike circular economy strategies. The framework also reveals which combinations of the digital functions and round economic system strategies accept already been studied extensively likewise equally where there may exist gaps. This indicates which digital functions are more mature in terms of possible implementation for circular economy every bit well as what missing links there are in the empirical and theoretical research. The study advances the synergies between digital technologies and the round economy paradigm through the lens of digital functions. The proposed framework and mechanisms build a theoretical foundation for hereafter research, and we highlight v research areas for further studies. This report likewise provides a structured way for managers to explore the appropriate digital functions for their CE strategies, so as to place required digital technologies and new value creation through digital functions.

... While this transformation affects companies deeply in every aspect, it offers many advantages in the digital age with the advantages of its applications. Industry 4.0 applications make information technology possible to simplify business processes, customize production, reduce costs, increase interaction inside and outside the company, and be fast in production processes and decision-making (Mohamed, 2018). Industry 4.0, seen as a style out in the industry is divers every bit the period of smart product in which every object, living or not-living, communicates with other objects via the internet due to the developments in bogus intelligence, cloud engineering science, three-dimensional printers (3D -Three Dimensional) and robotics etc. (Akkuşçu, 2019). ...

  • Petar Marinov Petar Marinov

Modern human civilization uses the term time equally a calendar perception to business relationship for events, actions and processes affecting past, present and hereafter transformations. The last two centuries of the 19th and 20th centuries marked the procedure of urbanization – "the last migration from the village to the metropolis". The formation of this socio-economic procedure began in the countries of Western Europe and was accompanied by the "industrial revolution". Factors are the master driving forcefulness in this procedure of large groups of people in the management from small settlements to industrial centers. This process goes through several stages, which accept a direct affect on the mentality of the various social strata of the population. The move of groups of people is acquired past reasons affecting their economic and social development. In the individual countries of the Erstwhile Continent, urbanization as a procedure takes place in different ways depending on the type of socio-economic construction of society. Keywords: Europe, urbanization, factors, stages and citie

... While this transformation affects companies deeply in every aspect, it offers many advantages in the digital age with the advantages of its applications. Industry 4.0 applications arrive possible to simplify business processes, customize product, reduce costs, increase interaction inside and exterior the company, and be fast in production processes and decision-making (Mohamed, 2018). Industry 4.0, seen as a manner out in the industry is defined as the catamenia of smart production in which every object, living or non-living, communicates with other objects via the cyberspace due to the developments in artificial intelligence, deject technology, three-dimensional printers (3D -Three Dimensional) and robotics etc. (Akkuşçu, 2019). ...

... Bookish intellectual uppercase of higher education institutions is among the variables that are effective in making difference in the competition. Together with technological, economic, social and political innovations, intellectual capital is among the concepts that the fourth industrial revolution has brought along, seeking the ways to overcome encountered problems in management, planning, exercise, strategy, assay, cooperation, human resources, change and leadership (el Hamdi et al., 2019;Mohamed, 2018;Schneider, 2018;Suciu & Năsulea, 2019). Like many other concepts in social sciences, there is no consensus on the definition of intellectual uppercase (de Castro et al., 2010). ...

... The reorganization of logistics bondage using advanced technologies such every bit IoT, BD analytics, and autonomous robotics accept the power to transform the supply chain management model from a linear business model into an integrated model [59] in which information flows omnidirectionally. These technologies are generating economical benefits by reducing costs while making production more than responsive to consumer demand and stimulating employment [108,109]. The implementation of networking strategies is moving in this management too, and integration is considered to exist the key to sustainable development [110]; i.e., the aim is to ensure integration betwixt economical, social and environmental policies to attain evolution that tin can be defined equally sustainable in all respects. ...

This paper examines the current challenges faced past logistics with a focus on the agri-nutrient sector. Afterward outlining the context, a review of the literature on the relationship between logistics and strategic management in gaining and increasing competitiveness in the agri-food sector is conducted. In particular, the menstruum of the paper is equally follows: after examining the aforementioned managerial problem and its broader repercussions, the paper proceeds to address two principal research questions. Outset, how and past which tools tin digitization contribute to improving supply chain management and sustainability in logistics? Second, what are the main managerial and strategic implications and consequences of this for the agri-nutrient sector in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, cost reduction, and supply chain optimization? Finally, the paper presents Italy every bit a example study, called both for its peculiar internal differences in logistical infrastructures and entrepreneurial management between Northern and Southern regions (which could exist at least partially overcome with the use of new technologies and frameworks) and for the importance of the agri-food sector for the domestic economy (accounting well-nigh 25% of the country'south Gross domestic product), on which digitization should have positive effects in terms of value creation and sustainability.

With the development of information and data technologies and the increase in their employ and prevalence, information has been transferred to the digital environment, a nd it has become possible to carry out many research, studies and activities through the digital environment. With the acceleration of access to information, a rapid modify process has begun in many scientific, social and cultural fields. This process, whi ch we can call the digital transformation process, has gained momentum with the result of the recent pandemic epidemic and has affected many areas of social sciences. Information technology has get a necessity to conduct scientific studies and research in social club to describe att ention to the impact of digital, information and information technologies on the field of social sciences and to determine and evaluate the reflections of these technologies in various fields of social sciences. Based on this requirement, the International Digital Transformation Briefing in Social Sciences was held online by Beykent University Vocational School on 24 June 2021. International Digital Transformation Briefing in Social Sciences was attended past many countries from Turkey and the globe. The Conference, which was held in Turkish and English language with more than 100 participants from more than 50 universities and a full of 77 papers, is a concrete example of digital transformation in social sciences.

  • Bhoomika Batra
  • Rajesh Sannegadu Rajesh Sannegadu
  • Kamakshi Mehta

The purpose of this chapter is to examine how gender diversity affects corporate social responsibility disclosure. Considering the socio-economic impact of the deployment of the fourth industry revolution (Industry iv.0), firms have a moral obligation to disclose information on how different stakeholders may exist affected by the extensive apply of smart technologies in their value-adding activities. The study used multiple regression analysis with 176 publicly traded Indian service sector organizations for the financial year 2020-21. The findings revealed that GD has a negligible touch on CSR filings. By focusing on Indian public firms in the service sector, this study fills a vacuum in the literature. It is the kickoff written report to evaluate the touch on of women on boards on the scope of CSR reporting in an Indian context. The findings of this written report accept crucial implications for future board composition as they show that women'south representation on boards did not affect CSR disclosures.

According to bachelor statistics and forecasts, in the next three decades, we will run into a significant increase in urban population worldwide; this increase varies depending on the geographical location of the region. Undoubtedly, this huge population leap and migration of people to urban areas cause the emergence of different challenges such equally sustainable development, increasing ecology pollution, equality, poverty alleviation, chore creation, energy supply, h2o resources management, food supply, waste product recycling, education, wellness, and security. Overcoming these conditions requires a alter in traditional methods of urban management and a movement toward the use of new technologies in all pillars of urban management. I of the available solutions is to create or develop smart cities to take advantage of new digital capacities and rely on the principles of industry four.0 to manage complex situations and forestall possible anomalies. In this book affiliate, the development of smart cities platforms along with industrial revolutions is reviewed, and the fundamental points of policies applicable in the field of smart cities using industry four.0 (city four.0) are stated. Simultaneous attention to the financial furnishings and smart cities policy in the fourth generation of the dissimilar industrial revolution is the key highlight of this chapter that can be considered by policymakers in creating or developing smart cities.

The rapid step of technological developments played a key role in the previous industrial revolutions. However, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry four.0) and its embedded technology diffusion progress is expected to grow exponentially in terms of technical modify and socioeconomic impact. Therefore, coping with such transformation require a holistic approach that encompasses innovative and sustainable system solutions and not just technological ones. In this article, we propose a framework that tin can facilitate the interaction between technological and social innovation to continuously come upward with proactive, and hence timely, sustainable strategies. These strategies can leverage economic rewards, enrich society at large, and protect the environment. The new forthcoming opportunities that will be generated through the next industrial wave are gigantic at all levels. Nevertheless, the readiness for such revolutionary conversion require coupling the forces of technological innovation and social innovation under the sustainability umbrella.

In the final few years, the global economy and market requirements have been changing rapidly. The increasing demand for high complexity and the final technological developments potentiated by industrial transformation have led to the evolution of more complex and smarter products with new capabilities Even so, producing smart products means deep changes in product evolution processes that have experienced several advancements in the last years in terms of theory, methods and approaches. In this research, a literature review is made to provide knowledge about smart products development (SPD) approaches. Confusing changes addressed by Industry 4.0 had impact in the whole production lifecycle, with the emergence of advanced digital tools for product evolution and prototyping that contain advanced computing platforms, such as virtual and augmented reality. Allowing the combination of digital and concrete prototyping, these technologies are rewriting the rules of product evolution processes, bringing new opportunities and challenges for SPD.

The global industrial landscape has changed deeply in the terminal few years due to successive technological developments and innovations in manufacturing processes. The Manufacture iv.0 concept has emerged and the academic literature has paid an increased attending to this topic, which remains not-consensual or ill defined. In this research, a literature review is made to understand this concept in its technological dimension, and to comprehend its impacts. This new industrial paradigm brings together the digital and physical worlds through the Cyber-Physical Systems enhanced by Cyberspace of Things and it is expected that this novel has consequences on industry, markets and economy, improving production processes and increasing productivity, affecting the whole product lifecycle, creating new business concern models, changing the work environment and restructuring the labor market. Therefore, this newspaper focuses on Industry iv.0 concept and contributes for its clarification and further agreement about the importance and implications of this complex technological arrangement.

Universities are one of the central actors to guarantee the dissemination of knowledge and the evolution of competences related to the Manufacture of the Future (IoF) or Industry iv.0. Computer Aided (CAX) and Product Lifecycle Direction (PLM) technologies are cardinal part in the IoF. With this aim, it was launch a project focused on Manufacturing and partially funded by La Fondation Dassault Systèmes. This communication presents a review on CAX-PLM training, 4 initiatives already in place in universities participating in the project, the projection scope, the approach to integrate with the industrial context, the working method to consider unlike competence profiles and the evolution framework.

  • 1000.W. Waibel
  • L.P. Steenkamp
  • Due north. Moloko
  • G.A. Oosthuizen G.A. Oosthuizen

The adjacent generation of manufacturing systems volition be self-organising. Networking of cyber-physical equipment and machinery are on the ascent. In the field of sustainable manufacturing, an increasing level of computerisation is used to face the growing production requirements. Smart production systems will foster opportunities from its artificial intelligence to create value within the business and the customs it operates. Smart production systems volition integrate the virtual and concrete worlds on these Internet of Things (IoT) platforms to ensure flexibility and resource efficiency. This enquiry study investigated the dynamics of the next industrial revolution (Industrie 4.0) and used instance studies on the market, suppliers and customers equally benchmark to identify current trends. The technical, economical, social and environmental elements of possible smart innovations were evaluated in terms of resources efficiency. Prerequisites for tooling companies to use smart product systems were discovered. Future work was too discussed.

**** '2017 IJAT Best Review Paper Award' for the most prominent review paper in recent years published in the International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT). **** A 4th industrial revolution is occurring in global manufacturing. It is based on the introduction of Internet of things and servitization concepts into manufacturing companies, leading to vertically and horizontally integrated product systems. The resulting smart factories are able to fulfill dynamic customer demands with high variability in small lot sizes while integrating human ingenuity and automation. To back up the manufacturing manufacture in this conversion process and enhance global competitiveness, policy makers in several countries have established inquiry and engineering transfer schemes. Most prominently, Germany has enacted its Industrie 4.0 plan , which is increasingly affecting European policy, while the United states of america focuses on smart manufacturing. Other industrial nations have established their own programs on smart manufacturing, notably Nihon and Korea. This shows that manufacturing intelligence has get a crucial topic for researchers and industries worldwide. The main object of these activities are the so-called cyber-concrete systems (CPS): concrete entities (due east.g., machines, vehicles, and work pieces), which are equipped with technologies such every bit RFIDs, sensors, microprocessors, telematics or complete embedded systems. They are characterized past being able to collect data of themselves and their environment , procedure and evaluate these information, connect and communicate with other systems, and initiate actions. In addition, CPS enabled new services that tin can replace traditional business models based solely on product sales. The objective of this newspaper is to provide an overview of the Industrie 4.0 and smart manufacturing programs, analyze the application potential of CPS starting from product blueprint through production and logistics up to maintenance and exploitation (east.g., recycling), and place current and future research issues. Besides the technological perspective, the newspaper also takes into account the economical side because the new business strategies and models available.

  • Francisco Almada-Lobo

Manufacture 4.0 dictates the stop of traditional centralized applications for product control. Its vision of ecosystems of smart factories with intelligent and autonomous store-flooring entities is inherently decentralized. Responding to customer demands for tailored products, these plants fueled by technology enablers such as 3D printing, Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Mobile Devices and Big Data, amidst others create a totally new environment. The manufacturing systems of the hereafter, including manufacturing execution systems (MES) will have to be built to support this paradigm shift.

  • Yang Lu Yang Lu

Originally initiated in Deutschland, Industry 4.0, the quaternary industrial revolution, has attracted much attending in recent literatures. It is closely related with the Cyberspace of Things (IoT), Cyber Concrete System (CPS), data and communications technology (ICT), Enterprise Architecture (EA), and Enterprise Integration (EI). Despite of the dynamic nature of the research on Industry iv.0, however, a systematic and all-encompassing review of contempo research on it is has been unavailable. Accordingly, this paper conducts a comprehensive review on Manufacture iv.0 and presents an overview of the content, scope, and findings of Industry 4.0 by examining the existing literatures in all of the databases within the Web of Science. Birthday, 88 papers related to Industry four.0 are grouped into five research categories and reviewed. In addition, this paper outlines the critical issue of the interoperability of Industry 4.0, and proposes a conceptual framework of interoperability regarding Industry 4.0. Challenges and trends for future research on Manufacture 4.0 are discussed.