Will They Dilate My Pupils to Perform Fundus Photography

Your eye specialist may order for fundus photography to detect, follow, and treat eye illnesses

Your centre specialist may gild for fundus photography to detect, follow, and treat eye illnesses

Your eye specialist (ophthalmologist) may order for fundus photography to detect, follow, and care for heart illnesses such as follows:

Glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye can damage the eye nerve over time)

Diabetic retinopathy (eye complexity in people with diabetes) such as follows:

  • Macular edema (swelling of the central part of the interior surface of your middle)
  • Microaneurysms (dilatation of the small vessels inside your eye)

Hypertensive retinopathy (heart complexity in people with loftier blood pressure)

  • White or cotton wool wool spots on the nerve fibers within your eye

Age-related macular degeneration (deterioration of the central role of the interior surface of your heart due to historic period)

Optic atrophy (eye nervus damage)

Papilledema (swelling of the center nerve)

Cancer of centre

Retinoblastoma (tumor inside your middle)

Color vision deficiencies

Congenital glaucoma (high pressure inside the eyeball since nativity)

Congenital rubella (contagious viral infection of the eyes since birth)

Congenital anomalies (defect in the eyes since nascence)

Toxoplasmosis (parasitic infection of the optics)

What is fundus photography?

Fundus photography is the process of taking serial photographs of the interior of your eye through the pupil. A fundus camera is a specialized depression-power microscope fastened to a photographic camera used to examine structures such as the optic disc, retina, and lens.

What happens during fundus photography?

Before the procedure, your ophthalmologist may administrate an center drib to increment the size of the pupil. This allows your doctor to examine the interior surface of your heart much more properly.

During the procedure,

  • Your doctor will instruct you to sit in front end of the fundus camera with your chin on a mentum balance (an attachment) and your forehead against the bar.
  • Your medico will focus and align the fundus photographic camera on the student (the black heart of your eye).
  • As soon every bit the doctor presses the shutter release, flash fires that create a photograph of the interior surface of your eye.

What are the benefits of fundus photography?

The benefits include:

  • It is a not-invasive procedure and only takes a minute or 2.
  • Information technology is easier to visualize the details of the retina (the interior surface of the eye) in stereoscopic fundus photographs rather than examining your eye directly.
  • Information technology provides a bird's center view of entire layers on the retina (the interior surface of the eye) and allows your doctor to provide the almost accurate diagnosis.
  • Many times, certain internal centre landmarks are more visible in fundus photography than other eye examinations, for case, fluorescein angiography (an eye exam in which a fluorescent dye is injected inside your eye).
  • Serial photographs of the internal structure of your middle may allow your doctor to study the delicate changes in the eye nerve, and they can recommend the appropriate therapy to you.
  • It allows early and accurate diagnosis, especially changes in the eye of patients with diabetes and claret pressure, which are essential for timely treatment and improvement in the patient'south effect.
  • You get pictures of the current appearance of the retina (the interior surface of your heart) that is more worthy sometimes than the physician's notes.


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What are the risks of fundus photography?

Fundus photography is not an invasive procedure, and it only takes a minute or 2. Information technology may non be able to notice the changes in the peripheral retina. Other than that, at that place is little to no take a chance. Yous might not exist able to see clearly for some time because your pupils were dilated during the exam with eye drops. Still, the images obtained can aid to detect your eye diseases in the early stages and so that the preventive handling tin can be started early. This benefit can outweigh apparent risks. Information technology as well provides your ophthalmologist with more data nearly the progression of your centre illness and allows your md to plan farther treatment.

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Medically Reviewed on 9/29/2020


American Academy of Ophthalmology: https://world wide web.aao.org/ophthalmic-technology-assessment/singlefield-fundus-photography-diabetic-retinopath

Ophthalmic photographers society https://world wide web.opsweb.org/page/fundusphotography

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